American Airlines Arena Leed EB Tour - USGBC South Florida

The best thing I could have done to promote GREEN in Miami was to join the USGBC south florida chapter. We had a tour of the nations first LEED-EB sports venue in Downtown Miami,Florida. The American Airlines Arena gave us a tour of the green features that lead to their certification. We saw the exposed ductwork letting air flow freely and improving IAQ ( Indoor Air Quality). We saw the Low Flow urinals,faucests,and toilets. We had a great turnout of about 200 professionals from all different industries. The tour headed outside for the viewing of the energy efficient 3,400 sq ft Miamimediamesh LED screen. It was a site to behold as it flashed the USBGC logo on the mammoth screen. The folks at the arena were the most gracious of hosts by ending the tour with a walk through champions alley, where pictures of the Miami heat players glued on the wall from their championship year vs the Mavericks. Moreover, we had the pleasure of walking on the court were the heat usually dominate.

We finished the night by walking back to the Dewars Club to continue with our monthly meeting. It was something I was looking forward to all day and it was really worth it.

Thank you. Chapter and Miami Heat.


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