Want to remodel my kitchen green in Miami ?

I have always wondered what is best way to build a new green kitchen without reusing old be up materials that are hard to restore. In a recent RealtorTV video many of my questions were answered.

First of all cabinets. Since are not many FSC certified cabinet makers in South Florida I was wondering what would be the best option. Bamboo !! It looks great,sustainable, and long lasting and grows about 4 ft a day.. For the counter tops I prefer recycled glass from Vetrazzo but the new 100 % recycled paper products out on the market are really nice also. Since I live in Miami and terrazzo floors are so common here it RG mirrors the look and feel I like.

Energy Star appliances and low flo faucets are a must. One unique feature of the video was the built in composting bin. I loved it. Definitely will recommend that to my clients if they do a remodel. LED lighting is also a big consideration, it emits no heat and lasts for over 50,000 hours and is a wonderful energy saver when entertaining a night.
I found this video really usefull for what to look for in the new Green kitchens of today.

Looking for a real estate agent that can help you buy,sell,lease,retrofit,remodel or planning your next dream Green home. Email me at Chartingacourse@gmail.com.

Carlos del Amo
Smart Growth Realty,LLC


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